Formulation development

Formulation development

Raw materials and active ingredients are just one side of the successful development of a product and its continued development. Factors such as packaging, scent and the intended target group also play a deciding role in the successful marketing of the end product.

With today´s need for rapid formulation development, aspects such as formulation technology, long-term stability and the practical side of transfer into production are often neglected.

Support in the development of cosmetic formulations can be invaluable. With the right expertise at your side, such as that offered by Cosmacon, your product concept could be implemented into a marketable product faster and more profitably than if you did it alone.

Too often just a small oversight in the formulation development can have a major effect on the end product. Working closely with your laboratory team, we can check formulations to ensure that your product progresses smoothly and profitably to market. Drawing on decades of practical experience, we can work with you and your team to resolve time-critical problems.

From experience we know that slick presentations and useful tips are not what you need; you need practical trials in your own laboratory underproduction conditions. To ensure a successful transfer from laboratory to production, we can accompany you through the critical scaling-up process.

Just one of the many services we can offer to support you with your product development.

For formulation development support that will get you profitably and quickly to market please contact us.

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