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DMS Cream

DMS cream, Squalan, Ceramide

Most skin problems, such as dry skin, redness and itching, are caused by a damaged skin barrier and here ideally a DMS cream is used. This barrier is primarily determined by the structure and condition of the top layer of skin. Flat, dead cells surrounded by various fatty substances form the protective barrier of the skin and ensure that increased water loss through evaporation and penetration of foreign substances is prevented. Daily washing causes the fats between the cells to be dissolved out, the protective layer of the skin is weakened and cannot regenerate until the next washing cycle. In addition, environmental influences, medications and many other factors can have an impact on the condition of the skin barrier.

Various creams are used to moisturize as well as refatten the skin and are intended to bring the skin into a balanced state. Often, however, no long-term effect is achieved with the application, as the raw materials used do not match the natural skin lipids in their chemical structure.

“DMS” stands for “Derma Membrane Structure”, these products follow a more sustainable principle to regenerate a damaged skin barrier. Corresponding DMS creams, serums or lotions are adapted to the derma membrane structure of humans both in their physical structure and in their chemical composition.


What does DMS mean in the chemical sense?

The ingredients are precisely adapted to the chemical composition of the skin: Lipids are used that correspond to the natural fatty substances of the protective layer and natural moisturizing factors that can be absorbed well. Due to the structural similarity, the lipids used can be deposited in the top layer of the skin and replace the skin’s own missing lipids. In the long term, this restores and strengthens the protective function of the skin.

Naturally occurring lipids include triglycerides, free fatty acids, cholesterols, phospholipids, ceramides and squalene. In the Derma Membrane Structure products, for example, caprylic/capric triglycerides, palmitic acid, phytosterols, phosphatidylcholine from hydrogenated lecithin, ceramides NP (ceramide 3, occurs most frequently in the skin layer) and squalane are used for these. All substances are of plant origin or are produced synthetically, nevertheless they are chemically structured exactly the same or similar to human substances.

Phosphatidylcholine, for example, is obtained from soy, ceramides come from yeast and squalane from olives. Squalane is saturated squalene, which makes it resistant to heat and oxidation and can be used as a raw material in cosmetics.

Since only identical or structurally similar raw materials are used, the DMS creams are very well tolerated. They also deliberately avoid fragrances, colorants, preservatives, mineral oils, silicones and additional emulsifiers to match the Derma Membrane structure. This also increases the compatibility of the products.


What does DMS mean in the physical sense?

Due to the composition of the ingredients, no typical O/W emulsion or W/O emulsion (“oil in water” and “water in oil”) is created during production, where oil or water droplets are finely distributed in the product, but rather a cream with a lamellar structure is created.

This layered structure is biomimetic to the derma membrane structure, thus mimicking it biologically. The phosphatidylcholine contained serves as a natural emulsifier for fats and water in the products.

However, due to the special chemical structure, no micelles (droplets) are formed, as is the case with surfactants or other emulsifiers, but rather so-called bilayers are formed, which can also be seen under a microscope. Phosphatidylcholine occurs naturally in our body – it forms the membranes, or protective layers, of almost all cells. For this reason, the lamellar structure of DMS products is analogous to the nature of our skin cells and can thus protect and support them.


DMS cream – ideal as a cream base

Corresponding preparations are used in cosmetics as a cream base. Desired active ingredients can be added to this base.

“DMS cream plus booster” refers to a combination of two skin care products used together to enhance the effectiveness and results of skin care. A base cream is a regular moisturizer that is applied to the skin for daily use to hydrate and nourish the skin. A booster, on the other hand, is a concentrated skin care product that contains specific ingredients that target specific skin concerns.

Adding a booster to the DMS cream increases the effectiveness of the skin care regimen, as the booster contains specific ingredients that can complement the DMS cream and provide additional support to the skin. For example, a booster may contain hyaluronic acid to provide additional moisture or vitamin C to reduce dark spots. It is important to note that not every booster is compatible with every DMS cream.

Cosmacon offers the cosmetic service of the development of a unique DMS cream, so that soon you can also offer such a product under your brand.


Ideal for over-cared skin

Over-groomed skin refers to skin that has been irritated and damaged by too much or too frequent cleansing, exfoliating or creaming. Using too many skin-care products or too aggressive skin treatments can cause the skin to become over-cared for and out of balance.Symptoms of over-cared for skin can include redness, flaking, dryness, itching and even acne.

Symptoms of over-cared for skin can include redness, flaking, dryness, itching and even acne.

An application of DMS creams can help with dry skin, acne, eczema, keratinization disorders and over-groomed skin, and also serves to prevent them.



Cosmacon develops the ideal DMS cream for you

Due to the Derma Membrane structure, the preparations chemically and physically follow the physiological conditions of the skin and mimic the natural protective barrier. This principle leads to well-tolerated and sustainably effective products in dermatological cosmetics. If you would also like us to develop a DMScream for you, please do not hesitate to contact us.


