X-Mas 2022

Dear customers, dear partners and suppliers!


We’ve passed an eventful year! Now it’s nearly two years that the world has been dealing with the Corona pandemics. In 2021, we have been able to live and work slightly more relaxed than the year before.  Customer appointments have become possible again and we have been able to resume the personal contact to our business partners to some extent. Nevertheless, physical distance and precaution continue to be the dictates of the moment.


The online boom driven by the pandemic situation has continued last years. Therefore, we have adapted our services and offers in a way that they meet the demands of the online sellers in Germany and worldwide. Thanks to that strategy, we not only have survived the Corona crisis but also have generated growth.


During the last eighteen months, the number of our employees has doubled. In order to meet the increase, we and our team moved to new premises in the city of Schenefeld in the course of the last year. An area of 280 square meters for offices and laboratories gives more space for the team and our new, modern equipment. We will be pleased if you pay us a visit in the next year!


We consider the good and give a sign to include other beings in our thoughts. Therefore, also this year, we do without greeting cards and Christmas gifts. Instead, we donate a generous amount in favor of charity to the NABU Hamburg. The association will use the money to buy parts of the nearly 140 hectares large polder area of the Elbtal meadows.



The area is of international importance for the bird migration. Every year, swans, geese, and several sorts of ducks come here to have a break. The long-term protection of the Wrechow meadows is essential also from the botanical point of view because it is a home for plants like meadow pepper, snow parsley, brown knapweed, sneezewort, or meadow campion. Thanks to many donations, the NABU already could obtain almost the half area.


We are delighted to contribute to the protection of nature this way. After all, the principles of environmental protection and sustainability are essential in our daily business.


In this sense, we heartily thank you for your trust, the pleasant cooperation, and your loyalty during the past year!


The whole team of Cosmacon GmbH wishes you recreative and contemplative festive Christmas days, a good start, and, above all, health for the year 2022.


Best wishes from Schenefeld

Yours Cosmacon-Team